The Problem:
Living with multiple chronic autoimmune illnesses is challenging. I’ve been managing Type 1 Diabetes since age 2, hypothyroidism at 16, and Addison’s disease at 22. It’s a constant balancing act of medications, diet, and exercise. As an adult, I’ve learned that making mindful food choices helps reduce my medication and lowers stress on my body and mind. This journey defines who I am.

The Solution:
I consulted with doctors, nurses, and chiropractors, all of whom held functional approaches to health. They advised me to start eating lower carb as this would change the game for my health, and it did. This is where the journey started. There was a limited offering to support a low carb lifestyle in the snacking department. So I created this amazing cracker snack with a unique taste and texture using whole, natural, nutrient dense ingredients.

Our Mission:
To provide delicious, nourishing, low-carb foods to help people support their blood sugar levels.